A CLI for creating on-disk directory hierarchies based on Excel columns
# Subdirectory groupings
poetry run python xlsx_dir_map -i "Folder Name List.xlsx" -o "output_subdirs" -r "A2:D340" A B C D
# Flat directory groupings
poetry run python xlsx_dir_map -i "Folder Name List.xlsx" -o "output_flatdirs" -r "A2:D340" A:B:C:D
The command above specifies the name of an input spreadsheet (`-i`), the root of the outputs (`-o`),
and a range of spreadsheet cells to parse (`-r`). Then, the CLI accepts an arbitrary number of column
group arguments.
The column group arguments specify subdirectory grouping structures. Column names separated by a space
will create an additional nested directory `/output/.../A/B` whereas column names separated by a colon
will create a directory whose name contains the values of both columns, i.e `/output/.../A B`.