
32 lines
958 B
Raw Normal View History

2024-07-29 00:00:59 +00:00
{ pkgs, ... }:
2024-08-01 22:57:35 +00:00
xsession.windowManager.bspwm = let colors = import ../color-scheme.nix; in {
2024-07-29 00:00:59 +00:00
enable = true;
settings = {
2024-08-01 22:57:35 +00:00
normal_border_color = colors.disabled;
active_border_color = colors.secondary;
focused_border_color = colors.primary;
border_width = 2;
window_gap = 10;
2024-07-29 00:00:59 +00:00
focus_follows_pointer = true;
extraConfig = ''
bspc monitor DP-2 -d I II III IV V
bspc monitor HDMI-1 -d VI VII VIII IX X
# Set mouse 1 to move floating windows:
bspc config pointer_action1 move
# Mouse 2 button resizes the window by side:
bspc config pointer_action2 resize_side
# Mouse 3 button (right mouse) resize by corner:
bspc config pointer_action2 resize_corner
2024-08-01 22:32:26 +00:00
${pkgs.feh}/bin/feh --bg-fill ${pkgs.atau-pkgs.atau-wallpapers}/share/backgrounds/atau-wallpapers/aos1.png
2024-07-29 00:00:59 +00:00
startupPrograms = [ "picom" "polybar primary" "polybar secondary" ];