/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ import type {IModuleMap} from 'jest-haste-map'; export declare type AsyncResolver = ( path: string, options: ResolverOptions, ) => Promise; declare function cachedShouldLoadAsEsm( path: string, extensionsToTreatAsEsm: Array, ): boolean; declare const defaultResolver: SyncResolver; export declare type FindNodeModuleConfig = { basedir: string; conditions?: Array; extensions?: Array; moduleDirectory?: Array; paths?: Array; resolver?: string | null; rootDir?: string; throwIfNotFound?: boolean; }; export declare type JestResolver = ResolverSyncObject | ResolverAsyncObject; declare interface JSONObject { [key: string]: JSONValue; } declare type JSONValue = | string | number | boolean | JSONObject | Array; declare type ModuleNameMapperConfig = { regex: RegExp; moduleName: string | Array; }; declare class ModuleNotFoundError extends Error { code: string; hint?: string; requireStack?: Array; siblingWithSimilarExtensionFound?: boolean; moduleName?: string; private _originalMessage?; constructor(message: string, moduleName?: string); buildMessage(rootDir: string): void; static duckType(error: ModuleNotFoundError): ModuleNotFoundError; } /** * Allows transforming parsed `package.json` contents. * * @param pkg - Parsed `package.json` contents. * @param file - Path to `package.json` file. * @param dir - Directory that contains the `package.json`. * * @returns Transformed `package.json` contents. */ export declare type PackageFilter = ( pkg: PackageJSON, file: string, dir: string, ) => PackageJSON; export declare type PackageJSON = JSONObject; /** * Allows transforming a path within a package. * * @param pkg - Parsed `package.json` contents. * @param path - Path being resolved. * @param relativePath - Path relative from the `package.json` location. * * @returns Relative path that will be joined from the `package.json` location. */ export declare type PathFilter = ( pkg: PackageJSON, path: string, relativePath: string, ) => string; export declare type ResolveModuleConfig = { conditions?: Array; skipNodeResolution?: boolean; paths?: Array; }; declare class Resolver { private readonly _options; private readonly _moduleMap; private readonly _moduleIDCache; private readonly _moduleNameCache; private readonly _modulePathCache; private readonly _supportsNativePlatform; constructor(moduleMap: IModuleMap, options: ResolverConfig); static ModuleNotFoundError: typeof ModuleNotFoundError; static tryCastModuleNotFoundError(error: unknown): ModuleNotFoundError | null; static clearDefaultResolverCache(): void; static findNodeModule( path: string, options: FindNodeModuleConfig, ): string | null; static findNodeModuleAsync( path: string, options: FindNodeModuleConfig, ): Promise; static unstable_shouldLoadAsEsm: typeof cachedShouldLoadAsEsm; resolveModuleFromDirIfExists( dirname: string, moduleName: string, options?: ResolveModuleConfig, ): string | null; resolveModuleFromDirIfExistsAsync( dirname: string, moduleName: string, options?: ResolveModuleConfig, ): Promise; resolveModule( from: string, moduleName: string, options?: ResolveModuleConfig, ): string; resolveModuleAsync( from: string, moduleName: string, options?: ResolveModuleConfig, ): Promise; /** * _prepareForResolution is shared between the sync and async module resolution * methods, to try to keep them as DRY as possible. */ private _prepareForResolution; /** * _getHasteModulePath attempts to return the path to a haste module. */ private _getHasteModulePath; private _throwModNotFoundError; private _getMapModuleName; private _isAliasModule; isCoreModule(moduleName: string): boolean; getModule(name: string): string | null; getModulePath(from: string, moduleName: string): string; getPackage(name: string): string | null; getMockModule(from: string, name: string): string | null; getMockModuleAsync(from: string, name: string): Promise; getModulePaths(from: string): Array; getModuleID( virtualMocks: Map, from: string, moduleName?: string, options?: ResolveModuleConfig, ): string; getModuleIDAsync( virtualMocks: Map, from: string, moduleName?: string, options?: ResolveModuleConfig, ): Promise; private _getModuleType; private _getAbsolutePath; private _getAbsolutePathAsync; private _getMockPath; private _getMockPathAsync; private _getVirtualMockPath; private _getVirtualMockPathAsync; private _isModuleResolved; private _isModuleResolvedAsync; resolveStubModuleName(from: string, moduleName: string): string | null; resolveStubModuleNameAsync( from: string, moduleName: string, ): Promise; } export default Resolver; declare type ResolverAsyncObject = { sync?: SyncResolver; async: AsyncResolver; }; declare type ResolverConfig = { defaultPlatform?: string | null; extensions: Array; hasCoreModules: boolean; moduleDirectories: Array; moduleNameMapper?: Array | null; modulePaths?: Array; platforms?: Array; resolver?: string | null; rootDir: string; }; export declare type ResolverOptions = { /** Directory to begin resolving from. */ basedir: string; /** List of export conditions. */ conditions?: Array; /** Instance of default resolver. */ defaultResolver: typeof defaultResolver; /** List of file extensions to search in order. */ extensions?: Array; /** * List of directory names to be looked up for modules recursively. * * @defaultValue * The default is `['node_modules']`. */ moduleDirectory?: Array; /** * List of `require.paths` to use if nothing is found in `node_modules`. * * @defaultValue * The default is `undefined`. */ paths?: Array; /** Allows transforming parsed `package.json` contents. */ packageFilter?: PackageFilter; /** Allows transforms a path within a package. */ pathFilter?: PathFilter; /** Current root directory. */ rootDir?: string; }; declare type ResolverSyncObject = { sync: SyncResolver; async?: AsyncResolver; }; /** * Finds the runner to use: * * 1. looks for jest-runner- relative to project. * 1. looks for jest-runner- relative to Jest. * 1. looks for relative to project. * 1. looks for relative to Jest. */ export declare const resolveRunner: ( resolver: string | undefined | null, { filePath, rootDir, requireResolveFunction, }: { filePath: string; rootDir: string; requireResolveFunction: (moduleName: string) => string; }, ) => string; export declare const resolveSequencer: ( resolver: string | undefined | null, { filePath, rootDir, requireResolveFunction, }: { filePath: string; rootDir: string; requireResolveFunction: (moduleName: string) => string; }, ) => string; /** * Finds the test environment to use: * * 1. looks for jest-environment- relative to project. * 1. looks for jest-environment- relative to Jest. * 1. looks for relative to project. * 1. looks for relative to Jest. */ export declare const resolveTestEnvironment: ({ rootDir, testEnvironment: filePath, requireResolveFunction, }: { rootDir: string; testEnvironment: string; requireResolveFunction: (moduleName: string) => string; }) => string; /** * Finds the watch plugins to use: * * 1. looks for jest-watch- relative to project. * 1. looks for jest-watch- relative to Jest. * 1. looks for relative to project. * 1. looks for relative to Jest. */ export declare const resolveWatchPlugin: ( resolver: string | undefined | null, { filePath, rootDir, requireResolveFunction, }: { filePath: string; rootDir: string; requireResolveFunction: (moduleName: string) => string; }, ) => string; export declare type SyncResolver = ( path: string, options: ResolverOptions, ) => string; export {};