"use strict"; var assert = require("@sinonjs/referee-sinon").assert; var knuthShuffle = require("knuth-shuffle").knuthShuffle; var sinon = require("@sinonjs/referee-sinon").sinon; var orderByFirstCall = require("./order-by-first-call"); describe("orderByFirstCall", function () { it("should order an Array of spies by the callId of the first call, ascending", function () { // create an array of spies var spies = [ sinon.spy(), sinon.spy(), sinon.spy(), sinon.spy(), sinon.spy(), sinon.spy(), ]; // call all the spies spies.forEach(function (spy) { spy(); }); // add a few uncalled spies spies.push(sinon.spy()); spies.push(sinon.spy()); // randomise the order of the spies knuthShuffle(spies); var sortedSpies = orderByFirstCall(spies); assert.equals(sortedSpies.length, spies.length); var orderedByFirstCall = sortedSpies.every(function (spy, index) { if (index + 1 === sortedSpies.length) { return true; } var nextSpy = sortedSpies[index + 1]; // uncalled spies should be ordered first if (!spy.called) { return true; } return spy.calledImmediatelyBefore(nextSpy); }); assert.isTrue(orderedByFirstCall); }); });