/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ import type {addSerializer} from 'jest-snapshot'; import {AsymmetricMatchers} from 'expect'; import type {BaseExpect} from 'expect'; import {MatcherContext} from 'expect'; import {MatcherFunction} from 'expect'; import {MatcherFunctionWithContext} from 'expect'; import {Matchers} from 'expect'; import {MatcherState} from 'expect'; import {MatcherUtils} from 'expect'; import type {SnapshotMatchers} from 'jest-snapshot'; export {AsymmetricMatchers}; declare type Inverse = { /** * Inverse next matcher. If you know how to test something, `.not` lets you test its opposite. */ not: Matchers; }; export declare type JestExpect = { (actual: T): JestMatchers & Inverse> & PromiseMatchers; addSnapshotSerializer: typeof addSerializer; } & BaseExpect & AsymmetricMatchers & Inverse>; export declare const jestExpect: JestExpect; declare type JestMatchers, T> = Matchers & SnapshotMatchers; export {MatcherContext}; export {MatcherFunction}; export {MatcherFunctionWithContext}; export {Matchers}; export {MatcherState}; export {MatcherUtils}; declare type PromiseMatchers = { /** * Unwraps the reason of a rejected promise so any other matcher can be chained. * If the promise is fulfilled the assertion fails. */ rejects: JestMatchers, T> & Inverse, T>>; /** * Unwraps the value of a fulfilled promise so any other matcher can be chained. * If the promise is rejected the assertion fails. */ resolves: JestMatchers, T> & Inverse, T>>; }; export {};