'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; function _ansiEscapes() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require('ansi-escapes')); _ansiEscapes = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _chalk() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require('chalk')); _chalk = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _jestUtil() { const data = require('jest-util'); _jestUtil = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _jestWatcher() { const data = require('jest-watcher'); _jestWatcher = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {default: obj}; } /** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ const {ARROW, CLEAR} = _jestUtil().specialChars; class SnapshotInteractiveMode { _pipe; _isActive; _updateTestRunnerConfig; _testAssertions; _countPaths; _skippedNum; constructor(pipe) { this._pipe = pipe; this._isActive = false; this._skippedNum = 0; } isActive() { return this._isActive; } getSkippedNum() { return this._skippedNum; } _clearTestSummary() { this._pipe.write(_ansiEscapes().default.cursorUp(6)); this._pipe.write(_ansiEscapes().default.eraseDown); } _drawUIProgress() { this._clearTestSummary(); const numPass = this._countPaths - this._testAssertions.length; const numRemaining = this._countPaths - numPass - this._skippedNum; let stats = _chalk().default.bold.dim( `${(0, _jestUtil().pluralize)('snapshot', numRemaining)} remaining` ); if (numPass) { stats += `, ${_chalk().default.bold.green( `${(0, _jestUtil().pluralize)('snapshot', numPass)} updated` )}`; } if (this._skippedNum) { stats += `, ${_chalk().default.bold.yellow( `${(0, _jestUtil().pluralize)('snapshot', this._skippedNum)} skipped` )}`; } const messages = [ `\n${_chalk().default.bold('Interactive Snapshot Progress')}`, ARROW + stats, `\n${_chalk().default.bold('Watch Usage')}`, `${_chalk().default.dim(`${ARROW}Press `)}u${_chalk().default.dim( ' to update failing snapshots for this test.' )}`, `${_chalk().default.dim(`${ARROW}Press `)}s${_chalk().default.dim( ' to skip the current test.' )}`, `${_chalk().default.dim(`${ARROW}Press `)}q${_chalk().default.dim( ' to quit Interactive Snapshot Mode.' )}`, `${_chalk().default.dim(`${ARROW}Press `)}Enter${_chalk().default.dim( ' to trigger a test run.' )}` ]; this._pipe.write(`${messages.filter(Boolean).join('\n')}\n`); } _drawUIDoneWithSkipped() { this._pipe.write(CLEAR); const numPass = this._countPaths - this._testAssertions.length; let stats = _chalk().default.bold.dim( `${(0, _jestUtil().pluralize)('snapshot', this._countPaths)} reviewed` ); if (numPass) { stats += `, ${_chalk().default.bold.green( `${(0, _jestUtil().pluralize)('snapshot', numPass)} updated` )}`; } if (this._skippedNum) { stats += `, ${_chalk().default.bold.yellow( `${(0, _jestUtil().pluralize)('snapshot', this._skippedNum)} skipped` )}`; } const messages = [ `\n${_chalk().default.bold('Interactive Snapshot Result')}`, ARROW + stats, `\n${_chalk().default.bold('Watch Usage')}`, `${_chalk().default.dim(`${ARROW}Press `)}r${_chalk().default.dim( ' to restart Interactive Snapshot Mode.' )}`, `${_chalk().default.dim(`${ARROW}Press `)}q${_chalk().default.dim( ' to quit Interactive Snapshot Mode.' )}` ]; this._pipe.write(`${messages.filter(Boolean).join('\n')}\n`); } _drawUIDone() { this._pipe.write(CLEAR); const numPass = this._countPaths - this._testAssertions.length; let stats = _chalk().default.bold.dim( `${(0, _jestUtil().pluralize)('snapshot', this._countPaths)} reviewed` ); if (numPass) { stats += `, ${_chalk().default.bold.green( `${(0, _jestUtil().pluralize)('snapshot', numPass)} updated` )}`; } const messages = [ `\n${_chalk().default.bold('Interactive Snapshot Result')}`, ARROW + stats, `\n${_chalk().default.bold('Watch Usage')}`, `${_chalk().default.dim(`${ARROW}Press `)}Enter${_chalk().default.dim( ' to return to watch mode.' )}` ]; this._pipe.write(`${messages.filter(Boolean).join('\n')}\n`); } _drawUIOverlay() { if (this._testAssertions.length === 0) { return this._drawUIDone(); } if (this._testAssertions.length - this._skippedNum === 0) { return this._drawUIDoneWithSkipped(); } return this._drawUIProgress(); } put(key) { switch (key) { case 's': if (this._skippedNum === this._testAssertions.length) break; this._skippedNum += 1; // move skipped test to the end this._testAssertions.push(this._testAssertions.shift()); if (this._testAssertions.length - this._skippedNum > 0) { this._run(false); } else { this._drawUIDoneWithSkipped(); } break; case 'u': this._run(true); break; case 'q': case _jestWatcher().KEYS.ESCAPE: this.abort(); break; case 'r': this.restart(); break; case _jestWatcher().KEYS.ENTER: if (this._testAssertions.length === 0) { this.abort(); } else { this._run(false); } break; default: break; } } abort() { this._isActive = false; this._skippedNum = 0; this._updateTestRunnerConfig(null, false); } restart() { this._skippedNum = 0; this._countPaths = this._testAssertions.length; this._run(false); } updateWithResults(results) { const hasSnapshotFailure = !!results.snapshot.failure; if (hasSnapshotFailure) { this._drawUIOverlay(); return; } this._testAssertions.shift(); if (this._testAssertions.length - this._skippedNum === 0) { this._drawUIOverlay(); return; } // Go to the next test this._run(false); } _run(shouldUpdateSnapshot) { const testAssertion = this._testAssertions[0]; this._updateTestRunnerConfig(testAssertion, shouldUpdateSnapshot); } run(failedSnapshotTestAssertions, onConfigChange) { if (!failedSnapshotTestAssertions.length) { return; } this._testAssertions = [...failedSnapshotTestAssertions]; this._countPaths = this._testAssertions.length; this._updateTestRunnerConfig = onConfigChange; this._isActive = true; this._run(false); } } exports.default = SnapshotInteractiveMode;