'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; var _FifoQueue = _interopRequireDefault(require('./FifoQueue')); var _types = require('./types'); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {default: obj}; } /** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ class Farm { _computeWorkerKey; _workerSchedulingPolicy; _cacheKeys = Object.create(null); _locks = []; _offset = 0; _taskQueue; constructor(_numOfWorkers, _callback, options = {}) { this._numOfWorkers = _numOfWorkers; this._callback = _callback; this._computeWorkerKey = options.computeWorkerKey; this._workerSchedulingPolicy = options.workerSchedulingPolicy ?? 'round-robin'; this._taskQueue = options.taskQueue ?? new _FifoQueue.default(); } doWork(method, ...args) { const customMessageListeners = new Set(); const addCustomMessageListener = listener => { customMessageListeners.add(listener); return () => { customMessageListeners.delete(listener); }; }; const onCustomMessage = message => { customMessageListeners.forEach(listener => listener(message)); }; const promise = new Promise( // Bind args to this function so it won't reference to the parent scope. // This prevents a memory leak in v8, because otherwise the function will // retain args for the closure. ((args, resolve, reject) => { const computeWorkerKey = this._computeWorkerKey; const request = [_types.CHILD_MESSAGE_CALL, false, method, args]; let worker = null; let hash = null; if (computeWorkerKey) { hash = computeWorkerKey.call(this, method, ...args); worker = hash == null ? null : this._cacheKeys[hash]; } const onStart = worker => { if (hash != null) { this._cacheKeys[hash] = worker; } }; const onEnd = (error, result) => { customMessageListeners.clear(); if (error) { reject(error); } else { resolve(result); } }; const task = { onCustomMessage, onEnd, onStart, request }; if (worker) { this._taskQueue.enqueue(task, worker.getWorkerId()); this._process(worker.getWorkerId()); } else { this._push(task); } }).bind(null, args) ); promise.UNSTABLE_onCustomMessage = addCustomMessageListener; return promise; } _process(workerId) { if (this._isLocked(workerId)) { return this; } const task = this._taskQueue.dequeue(workerId); if (!task) { return this; } if (task.request[1]) { throw new Error('Queue implementation returned processed task'); } // Reference the task object outside so it won't be retained by onEnd, // and other properties of the task object, such as task.request can be // garbage collected. let taskOnEnd = task.onEnd; const onEnd = (error, result) => { if (taskOnEnd) { taskOnEnd(error, result); } taskOnEnd = null; this._unlock(workerId); this._process(workerId); }; task.request[1] = true; this._lock(workerId); this._callback( workerId, task.request, task.onStart, onEnd, task.onCustomMessage ); return this; } _push(task) { this._taskQueue.enqueue(task); const offset = this._getNextWorkerOffset(); for (let i = 0; i < this._numOfWorkers; i++) { this._process((offset + i) % this._numOfWorkers); if (task.request[1]) { break; } } return this; } _getNextWorkerOffset() { switch (this._workerSchedulingPolicy) { case 'in-order': return 0; case 'round-robin': return this._offset++; } } _lock(workerId) { this._locks[workerId] = true; } _unlock(workerId) { this._locks[workerId] = false; } _isLocked(workerId) { return this._locks[workerId]; } } exports.default = Farm;