/* Copyright 2012-2015, Yahoo Inc. Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms. */ 'use strict'; const percent = require('./percent'); const dataProperties = require('./data-properties'); const { CoverageSummary } = require('./coverage-summary'); // returns a data object that represents empty coverage function emptyCoverage(filePath, reportLogic) { const cov = { path: filePath, statementMap: {}, fnMap: {}, branchMap: {}, s: {}, f: {}, b: {} }; if (reportLogic) cov.bT = {}; return cov; } // asserts that a data object "looks like" a coverage object function assertValidObject(obj) { const valid = obj && obj.path && obj.statementMap && obj.fnMap && obj.branchMap && obj.s && obj.f && obj.b; if (!valid) { throw new Error( 'Invalid file coverage object, missing keys, found:' + Object.keys(obj).join(',') ); } } const keyFromLoc = ({ start, end }) => `${start.line}|${start.column}|${end.line}|${end.column}`; const mergeProp = (aHits, aMap, bHits, bMap, itemKey = keyFromLoc) => { const aItems = {}; for (const [key, itemHits] of Object.entries(aHits)) { const item = aMap[key]; aItems[itemKey(item)] = [itemHits, item]; } for (const [key, bItemHits] of Object.entries(bHits)) { const bItem = bMap[key]; const k = itemKey(bItem); if (aItems[k]) { const aPair = aItems[k]; if (bItemHits.forEach) { // should this throw an exception if aPair[0] is not an array? bItemHits.forEach((hits, h) => { if (aPair[0][h] !== undefined) aPair[0][h] += hits; else aPair[0][h] = hits; }); } else { aPair[0] += bItemHits; } } else { aItems[k] = [bItemHits, bItem]; } } const hits = {}; const map = {}; Object.values(aItems).forEach(([itemHits, item], i) => { hits[i] = itemHits; map[i] = item; }); return [hits, map]; }; /** * provides a read-only view of coverage for a single file. * The deep structure of this object is documented elsewhere. It has the following * properties: * * * `path` - the file path for which coverage is being tracked * * `statementMap` - map of statement locations keyed by statement index * * `fnMap` - map of function metadata keyed by function index * * `branchMap` - map of branch metadata keyed by branch index * * `s` - hit counts for statements * * `f` - hit count for functions * * `b` - hit count for branches */ class FileCoverage { /** * @constructor * @param {Object|FileCoverage|String} pathOrObj is a string that initializes * and empty coverage object with the specified file path or a data object that * has all the required properties for a file coverage object. */ constructor(pathOrObj, reportLogic = false) { if (!pathOrObj) { throw new Error( 'Coverage must be initialized with a path or an object' ); } if (typeof pathOrObj === 'string') { this.data = emptyCoverage(pathOrObj, reportLogic); } else if (pathOrObj instanceof FileCoverage) { this.data = pathOrObj.data; } else if (typeof pathOrObj === 'object') { this.data = pathOrObj; } else { throw new Error('Invalid argument to coverage constructor'); } assertValidObject(this.data); } /** * returns computed line coverage from statement coverage. * This is a map of hits keyed by line number in the source. */ getLineCoverage() { const statementMap = this.data.statementMap; const statements = this.data.s; const lineMap = Object.create(null); Object.entries(statements).forEach(([st, count]) => { /* istanbul ignore if: is this even possible? */ if (!statementMap[st]) { return; } const { line } = statementMap[st].start; const prevVal = lineMap[line]; if (prevVal === undefined || prevVal < count) { lineMap[line] = count; } }); return lineMap; } /** * returns an array of uncovered line numbers. * @returns {Array} an array of line numbers for which no hits have been * collected. */ getUncoveredLines() { const lc = this.getLineCoverage(); const ret = []; Object.entries(lc).forEach(([l, hits]) => { if (hits === 0) { ret.push(l); } }); return ret; } /** * returns a map of branch coverage by source line number. * @returns {Object} an object keyed by line number. Each object * has a `covered`, `total` and `coverage` (percentage) property. */ getBranchCoverageByLine() { const branchMap = this.branchMap; const branches = this.b; const ret = {}; Object.entries(branchMap).forEach(([k, map]) => { const line = map.line || map.loc.start.line; const branchData = branches[k]; ret[line] = ret[line] || []; ret[line].push(...branchData); }); Object.entries(ret).forEach(([k, dataArray]) => { const covered = dataArray.filter(item => item > 0); const coverage = (covered.length / dataArray.length) * 100; ret[k] = { covered: covered.length, total: dataArray.length, coverage }; }); return ret; } /** * return a JSON-serializable POJO for this file coverage object */ toJSON() { return this.data; } /** * merges a second coverage object into this one, updating hit counts * @param {FileCoverage} other - the coverage object to be merged into this one. * Note that the other object should have the same structure as this one (same file). */ merge(other) { if (other.all === true) { return; } if (this.all === true) { this.data = other.data; return; } let [hits, map] = mergeProp( this.s, this.statementMap, other.s, other.statementMap ); this.data.s = hits; this.data.statementMap = map; const keyFromLocProp = x => keyFromLoc(x.loc); const keyFromLocationsProp = x => keyFromLoc(x.locations[0]); [hits, map] = mergeProp( this.f, this.fnMap, other.f, other.fnMap, keyFromLocProp ); this.data.f = hits; this.data.fnMap = map; [hits, map] = mergeProp( this.b, this.branchMap, other.b, other.branchMap, keyFromLocationsProp ); this.data.b = hits; this.data.branchMap = map; // Tracking additional information about branch truthiness // can be optionally enabled: if (this.bT && other.bT) { [hits, map] = mergeProp( this.bT, this.branchMap, other.bT, other.branchMap, keyFromLocationsProp ); this.data.bT = hits; } } computeSimpleTotals(property) { let stats = this[property]; if (typeof stats === 'function') { stats = stats.call(this); } const ret = { total: Object.keys(stats).length, covered: Object.values(stats).filter(v => !!v).length, skipped: 0 }; ret.pct = percent(ret.covered, ret.total); return ret; } computeBranchTotals(property) { const stats = this[property]; const ret = { total: 0, covered: 0, skipped: 0 }; Object.values(stats).forEach(branches => { ret.covered += branches.filter(hits => hits > 0).length; ret.total += branches.length; }); ret.pct = percent(ret.covered, ret.total); return ret; } /** * resets hit counts for all statements, functions and branches * in this coverage object resulting in zero coverage. */ resetHits() { const statements = this.s; const functions = this.f; const branches = this.b; const branchesTrue = this.bT; Object.keys(statements).forEach(s => { statements[s] = 0; }); Object.keys(functions).forEach(f => { functions[f] = 0; }); Object.keys(branches).forEach(b => { branches[b].fill(0); }); // Tracking additional information about branch truthiness // can be optionally enabled: if (branchesTrue) { Object.keys(branchesTrue).forEach(bT => { branchesTrue[bT].fill(0); }); } } /** * returns a CoverageSummary for this file coverage object * @returns {CoverageSummary} */ toSummary() { const ret = {}; ret.lines = this.computeSimpleTotals('getLineCoverage'); ret.functions = this.computeSimpleTotals('f', 'fnMap'); ret.statements = this.computeSimpleTotals('s', 'statementMap'); ret.branches = this.computeBranchTotals('b'); // Tracking additional information about branch truthiness // can be optionally enabled: if (this['bt']) { ret.branchesTrue = this.computeBranchTotals('bT'); } return new CoverageSummary(ret); } } // expose coverage data attributes dataProperties(FileCoverage, [ 'path', 'statementMap', 'fnMap', 'branchMap', 's', 'f', 'b', 'bT', 'all' ]); module.exports = { FileCoverage };