/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ import {Static} from '@sinclair/typebox'; import {TBoolean} from '@sinclair/typebox'; import {TNull} from '@sinclair/typebox'; import {TNumber} from '@sinclair/typebox'; import {TObject} from '@sinclair/typebox'; import {TPartial} from '@sinclair/typebox'; import {TReadonly} from '@sinclair/typebox'; import {TString} from '@sinclair/typebox'; declare const RawSnapshotFormat: TPartial< TObject<{ callToJSON: TReadonly; compareKeys: TReadonly; escapeRegex: TReadonly; escapeString: TReadonly; highlight: TReadonly; indent: TReadonly; maxDepth: TReadonly; maxWidth: TReadonly; min: TReadonly; printBasicPrototype: TReadonly; printFunctionName: TReadonly; theme: TReadonly< TPartial< TObject<{ comment: TReadonly; content: TReadonly; prop: TReadonly; tag: TReadonly; value: TReadonly; }> > >; }> >; export declare const SnapshotFormat: TPartial< TObject<{ callToJSON: TReadonly; compareKeys: TReadonly; escapeRegex: TReadonly; escapeString: TReadonly; highlight: TReadonly; indent: TReadonly; maxDepth: TReadonly; maxWidth: TReadonly; min: TReadonly; printBasicPrototype: TReadonly; printFunctionName: TReadonly; theme: TReadonly< TPartial< TObject<{ comment: TReadonly; content: TReadonly; prop: TReadonly; tag: TReadonly; value: TReadonly; }> > >; }> >; export declare type SnapshotFormat = Static; export {};