'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); exports.default = getSnapshotSummary; function _chalk() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require('chalk')); _chalk = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _jestUtil() { const data = require('jest-util'); _jestUtil = function () { return data; }; return data; } var _formatTestPath = _interopRequireDefault(require('./formatTestPath')); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {default: obj}; } /** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ const ARROW = ' \u203A '; const DOWN_ARROW = ' \u21B3 '; const DOT = ' \u2022 '; const FAIL_COLOR = _chalk().default.bold.red; const OBSOLETE_COLOR = _chalk().default.bold.yellow; const SNAPSHOT_ADDED = _chalk().default.bold.green; const SNAPSHOT_NOTE = _chalk().default.dim; const SNAPSHOT_REMOVED = _chalk().default.bold.green; const SNAPSHOT_SUMMARY = _chalk().default.bold; const SNAPSHOT_UPDATED = _chalk().default.bold.green; function getSnapshotSummary(snapshots, globalConfig, updateCommand) { const summary = []; summary.push(SNAPSHOT_SUMMARY('Snapshot Summary')); if (snapshots.added) { summary.push( `${SNAPSHOT_ADDED( `${ ARROW + (0, _jestUtil().pluralize)('snapshot', snapshots.added) } written ` )}from ${(0, _jestUtil().pluralize)('test suite', snapshots.filesAdded)}.` ); } if (snapshots.unmatched) { summary.push( `${FAIL_COLOR( `${ARROW}${(0, _jestUtil().pluralize)( 'snapshot', snapshots.unmatched )} failed` )} from ${(0, _jestUtil().pluralize)( 'test suite', snapshots.filesUnmatched )}. ${SNAPSHOT_NOTE( `Inspect your code changes or ${updateCommand} to update them.` )}` ); } if (snapshots.updated) { summary.push( `${SNAPSHOT_UPDATED( `${ ARROW + (0, _jestUtil().pluralize)('snapshot', snapshots.updated) } updated ` )}from ${(0, _jestUtil().pluralize)( 'test suite', snapshots.filesUpdated )}.` ); } if (snapshots.filesRemoved) { if (snapshots.didUpdate) { summary.push( `${SNAPSHOT_REMOVED( `${ARROW}${(0, _jestUtil().pluralize)( 'snapshot file', snapshots.filesRemoved )} removed ` )}from ${(0, _jestUtil().pluralize)( 'test suite', snapshots.filesRemoved )}.` ); } else { summary.push( `${OBSOLETE_COLOR( `${ARROW}${(0, _jestUtil().pluralize)( 'snapshot file', snapshots.filesRemoved )} obsolete ` )}from ${(0, _jestUtil().pluralize)( 'test suite', snapshots.filesRemoved )}. ${SNAPSHOT_NOTE( `To remove ${ snapshots.filesRemoved === 1 ? 'it' : 'them all' }, ${updateCommand}.` )}` ); } } if (snapshots.filesRemovedList && snapshots.filesRemovedList.length) { const [head, ...tail] = snapshots.filesRemovedList; summary.push( ` ${DOWN_ARROW} ${DOT}${(0, _formatTestPath.default)( globalConfig, head )}` ); tail.forEach(key => { summary.push( ` ${DOT}${(0, _formatTestPath.default)(globalConfig, key)}` ); }); } if (snapshots.unchecked) { if (snapshots.didUpdate) { summary.push( `${SNAPSHOT_REMOVED( `${ARROW}${(0, _jestUtil().pluralize)( 'snapshot', snapshots.unchecked )} removed ` )}from ${(0, _jestUtil().pluralize)( 'test suite', snapshots.uncheckedKeysByFile.length )}.` ); } else { summary.push( `${OBSOLETE_COLOR( `${ARROW}${(0, _jestUtil().pluralize)( 'snapshot', snapshots.unchecked )} obsolete ` )}from ${(0, _jestUtil().pluralize)( 'test suite', snapshots.uncheckedKeysByFile.length )}. ${SNAPSHOT_NOTE( `To remove ${ snapshots.unchecked === 1 ? 'it' : 'them all' }, ${updateCommand}.` )}` ); } snapshots.uncheckedKeysByFile.forEach(uncheckedFile => { summary.push( ` ${DOWN_ARROW}${(0, _formatTestPath.default)( globalConfig, uncheckedFile.filePath )}` ); uncheckedFile.keys.forEach(key => { summary.push(` ${DOT}${key}`); }); }); } return summary; }